From the 26th to the 30th of October a number of attorneys nationwide will be partaking in National Wills Week where they will draft Wills free of charge. Thinking about passing away is not a pleasant thought. However, having a Will in place ensures that your family and loved-ones are taken care of, and gives you peace of mind that your hard earned assets will be divided as per your wishes.
Covid-19 and the national lockdown has had a terrible impact on thousands of lives, livelihoods and the sustainably of businesses and Non-Profit Organisations alike. When drawing up your Will, we ask you to take a moment to reflect on your life’s journey and on the legacy you would like to leave for generations to come?
Think about the friends you made, the adventures you had, and how the skills you learnt through Scouting have helped you in life. Think about how including a bequest to the SCOUT Foundation for SCOUTS South Africa in your Will could help us give the gift of Scouting to even more children.
A gift from you through a bequest in your Will would create lifetimes of learning through adventure, outdoor exploration, laughter and memories. More children will be able to experience Scouting and gain confidence, better their ability to focus and succeed at school, and acquire the leadership and life skills needed to grow our country’s economy, better their communities and conserve the environment for generations to come. There would be no estate duty on the amount you bequest to the Scout Foundation.
Create your own legacy, add this codicil to your Will and give the gift of Scouting to a child!
“In my community lots of children fight. As Cubs we don’t do that. My Akela is very kind and because of Cubs my English is better and now I understand my maths.”Axole
Why is it important to have a Will?
A Will is a legal document that details how you would like your assets (house, car, investments etc.) to be shared with your family and loved-ones after you ‘go home’. It gives you the opportunity to leave a legacy for others to build upon. A Will needs to be drawn up by a legal practitioner in accordance with specific guidelines and directions as outlined in the Law.
During National Wills Week members of the public can get their wills drawn up for free by participating attorneys nationwide. These attorneys include private attorneys, Legal Aid South Africa attorneys, attorneys affiliated with the Law Society of South Africa, and many others. Find the 2020 list of participating attorney’s here:
“Scouting has taught me leadership, service, respect and perseverance. As the leaders of tomorrow, we must positively influence and impact society.” Lyndsay