Thousands of Scouts, youth and Adult Volunteers will be coming together to learn, exchange Scouting experiences, have fun, help local communities and above all make friends and embrace the Scout Adventure together! Are you brave enough to join the World Scout Jamboree in Poland from 30 July to 8 August 2027?
The 26th WSJ Contingent Management Team are busy planning our participation in the 26th World Scout Jamboree A pre-tour or post-tour is being investigated so dates will be finalised based on Expressions of Interest.
In order to plan , the 26WSJ Management Team is calling on Scouts – who will be over 14 as of July 2027 – and registered Adult Volunteers who are interested in joining the SA Contingent to complete this Expression of Interest form.
For more info about eligibility and what to expect, check out the 26WSJ SSA Contingent Page HERE.
Expression of Interest
Let us know if you are keen to join the South African Contingent for the next World Scout Jamboree! (This is not a formal acceptance to the SA Contingent or permanent commitment, but an expression that you are interested in joining the SA Contingent.)
Complete the Expression of Interest form HERE.